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Japanese Pumpkin Half pc - AUS

Japanese Pumpkin Half pc - AUS

Item #106022
HK$108.0 / unit (around 1.8kg)
1.8kg stand for the average weight of the piece. We will invoice @ $6 / 100g based on actual weight.
Availability:  Out of Stock
x unit

Kabocha Squash is an Asian variety of winter squash. In Australia and New Zealand, kabocha is commonly called Japanese pumpkin.

Japanese Pumpkin has a dull-finished deep green skin (it’s edible!) and really bright yellow-orange color flesh on the inside. It has a naturally sweet flavor, even sweeter than butternut squash, and it’s often used for desserts and baked goods in Japan.

Sold by half piece (around 1.50-2.00kg).

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