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Organic Valley Grassmilk Vanilla Yogurt 24oz - US*

Organic Valley Grassmilk Vanilla Yogurt 24oz - US*

Item #180021
HK$80.0 / pc
Availability:  Out of Stock
x pc

Grassmilk Yogurt is a creamy, luscious and delicious snack made exclusively from our grassfed Grassmilk. Because our cows spend their days in organic pastures, Grassmilk Yogurt has naturally occurring omega-3s. 

2nd Place: World Dairy Expo Championship - 2018
3rd Place: World Championship Cheese Contest - 2018
3rd Place: World Dairy Awards - 2015
3rd Place: World Dairy Expo Championship - 2015


Size : 24oz 

Storage: Keep at 0-4 °C

Organics Organics

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