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Rizi Rice Bran Oil 1L*

Rizi Rice Bran Oil 1L*

Item #326001
HK$85.0 / pc
Availability:  Out of Stock
x pc

Rice Bran Oil is the perfect oil for doing any high heat cooking due to it's high smoke point. It's light flavour makes it good for baking, salad oils and some people even use it on skin rashes and eczema. Apply it directly to your skin.

Frying - Pure rice bran oil, exhibits excellent frying performance and contributes a pleasant flavor to the fried food. It possesses good storage stability and fry life without hydrogenation.Most Japanese restaurants in the USA have now switched to Rice Bran Oil for their Tempura Frying Oil because of its superior performance.

Stir-Frying - Rice Bran Oil is also a great choice for use in stir-frying. While its delicate, nut-like character complements the natural flavor of stir-fried meats, seafoods and vegetables, it never overpowers them. A further advantage is its natural resistance to smoking at high frying temperatures.

Salad Dressing - Rice Bran Oil has a light, barely perceptible flavor, making it wonderful to use with gourmet vinegars and spices. The oil emulsifies easily, so dressings don't separate.

Baking - Because of rice oil's light flavor, it has found favor in baking applications. Brownies and other baked goods made with rice oil turn out light and delicious. Baking sheets and cake pans coated with rice oil allow the baked goods to come out of the pan or off the cookie sheet with no trouble at all.


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