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Turkey Sustainable Farming Skin-on Sea Bass Fillet (2pcs)

Turkey Sustainable Farming Skin-on Sea Bass Fillet (2pcs)

Item #472002
HK$133.0 / unit (around 0.35kg)
0.35kg stand for the average weight of the piece. We will invoice @ $38 / 100g based on actual weight.
Availability:  Out of Stock
x unit

The scientific name of the Sea Bass is Dicentrarchus labrax, also called Sea Dace. Its dorsal fin is covered with lethal prickles. Its body is elongated and silver, its caudal fin indented.

The Sea Bass is a semi-fatty fish. Its average rate of fat is 3.9 %. It is an excellent source of protein and very rich in vitamins, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and even selenium.

The firm, white and delicate flesh has a slight taste of shellfish. It only contains a few bones yet stays intact during cooking.

Storage: Keep chilled at 0-4°C

Farmed Farmed

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