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Frozen Spain Turbot Fillet

Frozen Spain Turbot Fillet

Item #572012
HK$165.0 / unit (around 0.3kg)
Availability:  Out of Stock
x unit

The turbot is an inshore flatfish that is found mostly in European waters, thriving in the Mediterranean and on sandbanks in the North Sea.

Unlike many other flatfish, it has no scales, but sports bony tubercles on its body for protection.

It is coveted for its wonderful flavor and texture when prepared – and is considered an elite seafood item among chefs around the globe.

With its firm and delicious white flesh, Turbot is highly regarded by many of our nation’s top chefs. For best results, it’s traditionally pan-fried or whole-roasted. 

Storage: Keep frozen at -18°C or below

Due to the turbot fillet being randomly picked for delivery, you may receive it with/without skin.

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